Teme Valley Community Walkers
Teme Valley Community Walkers meet every month as a social aspect, to explore different walks around The Teme Valley. Anyone can join the walk and meet likeminded individuals. The Teme Valley Community Walking Group continue to grow in numbers and explore new territory. If you are interested in joining the walking group, please get in touch with: Barrie on eldings@gmail.com or John Briggs on john.briggs8@btinternet.com
Walk Details
Our next walk is:
Wednesday Evening 19th June.
The start point is at The Dog Dunley at 17:30hrs. Address: Dunley Rd, Stourport-on-Severn DY13 0UE
The walk is 4 miles over rolling countryside (not too hilly) with only a few stiles to negotiate. Option afterwards of food and drink at the pub, menu available on the web site https://www.thedogatdunley.co.uk/menus/
For further information please contact walk leader Alan Hudson: ahwfr216@gmail.com