Art Club
We are a friendly and independent art group that meets on most Tuesday afternoons between 3-5pm. We are of mixed ability and age range who meet to enjoy painting and sharing fellowship with one another. Contact Mike Harley for more details on 01584 881194 or

Worcestershire Pilates
Body Control Pilates with an experienced teacher of 10 years providing classes at basic, intermediate and advanced levels. There are currently three classes per week on Friday mornings beginning at 8:30am, all levels welcome.
Contact Linda Renshaw for more details on 07915 855420 or

Menith Wood WI
Meetings are on the first Monday of the month at the Parish Hall (unless otherwise stated) at 2.15pm for a 2.30pm start. We also meet, usually on the third Monday of the month, for WI Extra at various venues to enjoy a more informal get-together. For more information and for details of our current programme, please contact

The Zone - Youth club
Friday evening meet-ups for those aged between 10-16 years old. Lots of fun to be had with games, music and includes a tuck shop. For more details, contact Richard Rainbird-Hitchins on 07586 219289 or

Zumba classes are held on Monday evenings at 6:30pm.
Contact Lucia Becci for more details on